Praying is talking to God with your heart

Praying is talking to God with your heart
Open your heart and let Him in.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Believe it or not being unsure about a particular part of God's plan does not necessarily mean you are in doubt about the perfectness of His plan. So with that in mind we can give ourselves some grace when it comes to trusting God's plan.
After all, Adonai tells us in His word that His ways are not our ways! He also tells us that He remembers the frailty of our humanness ((Psalm103: 14-16). He wants to guide us through a life that has eternal importance even here on earth. Yes our lives matter while we are here on this earth, but what we do should also have  eternal and godly kingdom purpose as well. Any life lived without Jesus as the center has no real or lasting purpose. 
His word also tells us many other things that ensure us that His plan, His ways, and His hope for us is good, it's always good!
Just look at all the things God knows about you and it will be easier to trust that He knows exactly what you need. 
Because He is the One who created you, He knows everything about you. He knows you have hopes, dreams and plans. He is the the One who put them in your heart and He is the One who knows how to bring it all to reality in your life.
And, the best part is that when we let God's plan rule and reign in our lives it is good, it's always good! 


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