Praying is talking to God with your heart

Praying is talking to God with your heart
Open your heart and let Him in.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Pain Doesn't Mean Hurt...

I know that You never mean me any harm, if something is painful to me I know that it is not meant to hurt me... It serves such a deeper purpose than hurt and while it is extroidinarily painful to my emotional flesh I know that it is not harmful! 
Sometimes You want me to grow and mature and get past my selfish self and stop sulking and let my heart grow spiritually and learn how to live out gratefulness! I really want that, I really do.  I know that I have a destiny in You and Your destiny is in me as well. 
 I have a renewed hope that I can and will fulfill what You created me purpose! The very things that You have chosen for me and only me- someone may do the same things I am created to pursue, but no one else can do them the same way You, my Lord, have meant for me to do them! 
I'm getting excited because I am starting to have a spiritual breakthrough and I am starting to trust You ,Abba, like never before. You are Who and What makes life worth living, life without addictions and life that is fun! You are teaching me the things that redefine meaningful, purpose and fun! 
Jesus, I know that You see the deep things of my heart and You can see that there is (buried) deeper than should be- but there in my heart, none the less, this love, desire and yearning for You, to serve You. I love You. ~