Praying is talking to God with your heart

Praying is talking to God with your heart
Open your heart and let Him in.

Monday, September 6, 2021

God’s Guidance and Peace

Precious Prince Of Peace,            
I just love the way the amplified version of Your Word not only tells me to cast my cares on You, but it goes on to expound on what and why! You want me to give You my worries, concerns, troubles; You want me to turn over any and all things that cause my spirit anxiety. Lord, You know that my heart cannot hold Your peace and harbor my cares at the same time so You want me to give it all to You because You care deeply about the things that trouble and concern me and You watch over me very carefully. WOW!  
It’s not like when a parent says to a child, “Give that to me” and when the child asks why, the parent screams, “Because I told you to…that’s why!” No, we are told what to cast and why in this beautiful verse: 
‭‭  “casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].” 1 Peter 5:7 AMP‬‬
Here is another great verse from the amplified version of Your Word which speaks about holding onto the Shalom of Yeshua under any and all circumstances:
“Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God. And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours].”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:6-7‬ ‭AMP‬‬
It’s such a privilege to bring my requests to You and I am in awe that in turn You give me Your peace! You are My Prince Of Peace. 

Yes, I want you to remember that My Plans are always for your good. But I also want you to remember that My Plans very rarely involve just you, they are working a greater purpose that you don’t see, and involve more people than you or your immediate family. Continue to seek My Word for your guidance, seek Me in prayer, and of course here, in your writings and I will bring the answers and direction that you seek. Be obedient to My Plans, they will succeed and you will also be filled with My Peace. Also, ask Me about the others you don’t even see and I will show you who you should  have a burden and pray for. Because praying and caring for others who are hurting is part of what eases so much of your own pain, suffering and loss; it is part of My Plan. Trust it, Trust Me. 
Thank You Lord, for these beautiful Words of Yours, Thank You that Your will for me is to care for others as much or more as I do myself. That, as You know Lord, is a very tall order for me, but You want to and will show me just how to do this—If I let You. 

Abba, I know that part of the reason You don’t want me weighed down by the cares of this world is because this is not my eternal home. I am in this world but not of it! And You don’t want me overly concerned with the temporal and evil distractions of this world. As a Christian I am becoming more and more vexed by the turns this world is taking, but people who love this world are becoming more and more comfortable with sin and its consequences, they are lost people… “whose fate is destruction, whose god is their belly [their worldly appetite, their sensuality, their vanity], and whose glory is in their shame—who focus their mind on earthly and temporal things. But [we are different, because] our citizenship is in heaven. And from there we eagerly await [the coming of] the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ;”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:19-20‬ ‭AMP‬‬ 

Oh what a beautiful promise of my Savior coming from my heavenly home to “catch me up” and take me out of this ungodly world to be with Him forever and ever! Come for me, Jesus! 

Just as I was longing for You to come for me …I feel You prick my heart about my family and loved ones who aren’t living for You right now. And, all those who are lost without You that I don’t even know…Your desire is that none of them would perish, and that should be my desire as well. It is my desire, it is.

Yes, the world is on a path of sin and destruction and many are lost to its enticing ways, but I am the Savior of the world to all those who receive Me as such and who let Me be their Lord. And Sarah, I am already Your Redeemer!



Saturday, September 4, 2021

Brokenness Is Part Of Life, Let It Bring Change

     Brokenness is part of life and there’s really nothing we can do to escape the pain of a broken heart or a crushed spirit. If you’ve lived to the age of twenty or past then you have most likely (personally) experienced some sort of loss, trauma, separation, shock, physical and or spiritual pain. And even if I was speaking of people younger than their twenties— more likely than not they have experienced deep and scarring pain. It’s just the nature of life in this fallen world. But, those of us who know and have The Savior also have a salve for life’s pain… Jesus! 

Yes Lord, You can and do help us and heal us from the pain of our past hurts, and You also give the deepest pain the most purpose. 

 When I look back at some of my darkest days it makes me joyful that I am past those days, but I am grateful that the worst tragedies in my life have brought about the greatest change and growth in me and that means that it ultimately matters. If I will let You, Jesus, You will make what I experience here on earth matter…eternally! Thank You for giving my pain a purpose and I know it is not just to see if I can endure pain, but can I endure and let my heart be changed for my good and Your Glory in the process?
There’s actually a freedom in knowing that what I go through is growing and developing me into the kind of “Woman of God” He intended for me to be. Keep growing me and showing me God, the me I’m really supposed to be. 

Sometimes when I’m having trouble with sadness or sorrow I read some of the beautiful words from Kahlil Gibran’s, The Prophet,  “Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears. And how else can it be? The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. Some of you say, ‘Joy is greater than sorrow,’ and others say, ‘Nay, sorrow is the greater .’ But I say unto you, they are inseparable.” These words from Gibran are so very true, in essence they remind me that I only know what joy is because I have experienced sorrow— sorrow makes me long for comfort and joy and I only know what joy is because I have already become very familiar with pain and sorrow.
 But, the greater part of this is that albeit I must experience pain and sorrow, I do not have to endure it alone for Jesus, You are always with me.  You know from a deeply personal level what sorrow and suffering mean and because of this You promise to be close to us and heal us when we are broken-hearted and need You to bind up our wounds, (Psalm 147:3 ). 
“…My soul is deeply grieved, so that I am almost dying of sorrow…” (Matthew 26:38 AMP), these are Your words as You knew You were about to be crucified for me and all humanity! My heart and spirit can almost feel the weight of Your Words. But the truth is You experienced sorrow and grief beyond anything I will ever know, but You also knew after the pain, there was joy to come! (Hebrews 12:2). So You are where I will go when I need help with unbearable sadness, physical and spiritual pain, loss, and uncertainty. 
Thank You Yeshua, for everything You endured for me because You loved me and for the joy that was set before You. I love You, Lord. 


Thursday, September 2, 2021

"Kuleana= Your 'Path' or your 'Posse', those people for whom and to whom you are responsible... they include family who really know you, friends who walk beside you, ...and anyone who looks up to you. Also included are any mentors or leaders who have poured into you." ~ excerpt from Girlfriends In God devotional

Kuleana is Hawaiian and loosely translated means responsibility one to another and the land we share, but as I was studying this beautiful Hawaiian word or term I discovered that it, like many Hawaiian words, has more than one meaning and in fact, most have very many deep and rich meanings.
Part of what kuleana means is to pass on in examples and teachings the "kuleana" itself.
 Kuleana doesn't just mean responsibility but it also means privilege - that my responsibility is coupled with privilege which means I am honored to pass on my knowledge and wisdom and not just obligated. 

Who and What is Your Kuleana? ~ SB


Dear Lord,
We got some strange news today. We will have to move our trailer from where we live by November! The reason I call it strange news is because it is not necessarily bad news; we have been thinking about and feeling like we might have to move for a few weeks. And, we are very confident that this is part of God's plan for us. We must and we will trust Him!

                                                                                                              Trust is defined as reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. I know that God You are to be trusted as it is defined here - for You have all of these characteristics and You have never failed me or my loved ones and I know You are not going to abandon us or leave us without Your guidance and ever present help.Your Word gives us this promise to hold onto. “But ADONAI- it is He who will go ahead of you. He will be with you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you, so don't be afraid or downhearted.” (Deuteronomy 31:8 CJB) Thank You Lord, for this beautiful promise, it tells of how You are always there with me- before and after and it also speaks of keeping my heart free of fear and worry. I know this is important and the key to this is abiding in You, Lord. Worry and Worship cannot abide together so I must choose one; I will worship and seek You for the answers only You have. I will not look for answers in worry, or worldly ways, but in Your Ways. 

Yes, My Ways are not your ways, but if you look to Me I will help you, I will cover you, guide you, make a path for you that will bring My Plans for you to fruition. Yes, you, your family and loved ones. So don’t be downhearted and trust in Me; but also listen when I am trying to guide and speak to you. This new development is not even a surprise to you so, of course, it is absolutely not a surprise to Me. I have a plan an amazing and eternal plan! 
As you go through this next journey don’t forget about other hurting and or displaced people. This is key to not drowning in the mire of your own cares and concerns, remember to cast your cares on Me. (1Peter 5:7)

Thank You Lord, for Your care and concern when it comes to me and my family. Help me to stay focused on You and what You would have me to do as we face this new thing. I know You are willing and You are already steering my heart in other directions than self. As I watch the news and I hear the reports of people losing their large mobile homes as the flood turned raging river carries their home away, I realize I have nothing to complain about because albeit we have to move- we still have a trailer home to move. And for this I am grateful; please prick my heart to stay that way. . .GRATEFUL!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Believe it or not being unsure about a particular part of God's plan does not necessarily mean you are in doubt about the perfectness of His plan. So with that in mind we can give ourselves some grace when it comes to trusting God's plan.
After all, Adonai tells us in His word that His ways are not our ways! He also tells us that He remembers the frailty of our humanness ((Psalm103: 14-16). He wants to guide us through a life that has eternal importance even here on earth. Yes our lives matter while we are here on this earth, but what we do should also have  eternal and godly kingdom purpose as well. Any life lived without Jesus as the center has no real or lasting purpose. 
His word also tells us many other things that ensure us that His plan, His ways, and His hope for us is good, it's always good!
Just look at all the things God knows about you and it will be easier to trust that He knows exactly what you need. 
Because He is the One who created you, He knows everything about you. He knows you have hopes, dreams and plans. He is the the One who put them in your heart and He is the One who knows how to bring it all to reality in your life.
And, the best part is that when we let God's plan rule and reign in our lives it is good, it's always good!