Talking with God can be as satisfying as talking to your best friend...I decided I would rather spend time talking real life conversations with God than wasted hours of meaningless prayer. This blog will share some of those conversations and hopefully inspire others to have their own Conversations With God!
Monday, September 6, 2021
God’s Guidance and Peace
Saturday, September 4, 2021
Brokenness Is Part Of Life, Let It Bring Change
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Trust is defined as reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. I know that God You are to be trusted as it is defined here - for You have all of these characteristics and You have never failed me or my loved ones and I know You are not going to abandon us or leave us without Your guidance and ever present help.Your Word gives us this promise to hold onto. “But ADONAI- it is He who will go ahead of you. He will be with you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you, so don't be afraid or downhearted.” (Deuteronomy 31:8 CJB) Thank You Lord, for this beautiful promise, it tells of how You are always there with me- before and after and it also speaks of keeping my heart free of fear and worry. I know this is important and the key to this is abiding in You, Lord. Worry and Worship cannot abide together so I must choose one; I will worship and seek You for the answers only You have. I will not look for answers in worry, or worldly ways, but in Your Ways.
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Believe it or not being unsure about a particular part of God's plan does not necessarily mean you are in doubt about the perfectness of His plan. So with that in mind we can give ourselves some grace when it comes to trusting God's plan.
After all, Adonai tells us in His word that His ways are not our ways! He also tells us that He remembers the frailty of our humanness ((Psalm103: 14-16). He wants to guide us through a life that has eternal importance even here on earth. Yes our lives matter while we are here on this earth, but what we do should also have eternal and godly kingdom purpose as well. Any life lived without Jesus as the center has no real or lasting purpose.His word also tells us many other things that ensure us that His plan, His ways, and His hope for us is good, it's always good!
Just look at all the things God knows about you and it will be easier to trust that He knows exactly what you need.Because He is the One who created you, He knows everything about you. He knows you have hopes, dreams and plans. He is the the One who put them in your heart and He is the One who knows how to bring it all to reality in your life.And, the best part is that when we let God's plan rule and reign in our lives it is good, it's always good!
Friday, July 30, 2021
Mom’s Favorite Pastime
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Believe it or not being unsure about a particular part of God's plan does not necessarily mean you are in doubt about the perfectness of His plan. So with that in mind we can give ourselves some grace when it comes to trusting God's plan.
After all, Adonai tells us in His word that His ways are not our ways! “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways,” says Adonai. “As high as the sky is above the earth are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9 CJB). His thoughts and plans for us are so high above our own that they are perfect and we can trust Him. And, His plans for us were created even before we were, so they are pretty solid plans. “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10 NKJV). They are set and recorded in the annals of eternity. Wow!If we are still struggling we can go to God’s word and there we can find the comforting help we seek.Are you familiar with the beautiful words from Jeremiah 29:11?, “For I know what plans I have in mind for you,’ says Adonai,‘plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11 CJB). What a beautiful promise from God!He also tells us that He remembers the frailty of our humanness ((Psalm103: 14-16). He knows that our lives spent here on earth are short and we are like a vapor - here one minute and gone the next. He wants to abide in us and guide us through a life that has eternal importance even here on earth, but He knows we cannot do it without Him.We weren't meant to do it without Him and when we try we are left frustrated and unfulfilled - He doesn't want that for us.A life lived without Jesus and His plans really has very little earthly meaning and no real lasting purpose and it is so fleeting that most of us spend the first part of our lives making the mistakes we’re going to regret in the last season of our lives. That doesn’t seem like a meaningful life to me. I want to live the life God meant for me to live. What about you?Yes, we’re always going to be unsure about some things God has planned out for us, but we can trust Him even when we are unsure and not always see that as doubting Him.His word also tells us many other things that ensure us that His plan, His ways, and His hope for us is good, it's always good!
Read, meditate and take to heart the truth in the scriptures listed below and all the things God knows about you and all His word speaks over you and it will be easier to trust that He knows exactly what you need. After all, He is the One who designed and created you and no one knows you better than He does.And, the best part is that when we let God's plan rule and reign in our lives it is good, it's always good!“For you fashioned my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I thank you because I am awesomely made, wonderfully; your works are wonders — I know this very well.”(Psalm 139:13-14 CJB).Because He is the One who created you, He knows everything about you. He knows you have hopes, dreams and plans. He is the the One who put them in your heart and He is the One who knows how to bring it all to reality in your life.
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Poetry: I Miss You, But…
I Miss You, But ...
I miss you Mama, but
I don't miss you back here with me
No, I miss me there with you
You see ...
I don't miss the limits of your broken body
You fought the fight against ... So well!
But earthly bodies do breakdown
That's why through Jesus, salvation for soul and
spirit are found
We get to leave the bodies
that betray us- behind
I thought about being sad, the brokenness
of your body ...
Your legs that wouldn't carry you anymore -
No sound of your voice penetrating the air -
Family dinners with us, you couldn't spend -
Yes, when I thought about these things
I thought about being sad, but ...
Then I caught a glimpse,
There you were Mama, not just marching
But on the streets you were ...DANCING!
Yes, you were dancing on the streets of glory
And, I thought about being sad
when I longed to hear your voice ...
Then I heard a Heavenly choir,
I listened closely, and
In the multitude of Angelic voices
I heard only one, it was yours Mama
Yes, it was your voice beautifully ...SINGING!
I thought about being sad, we will miss you; especially,
on holidays, special occasions and family gatherings ...
The truth is, we miss you everyday
Then I saw the banquet table
where you now feast, and I know that
nothing here could ever compare ...
A table filled with the bounty
of Jesus, And
His living waters to wash it down
Receiving from Him in awe, and
Returning to Him in reverence,
Laying at His feet
Your Heavenly crown
So yes Mama, I miss you, but
I don't miss you back here with me
No, I miss me there with you!
~ Sarah Lynn
September 7, 2017
Scripture references regarding Heavenly crowns:
James 1:12 - 1Peter 5:4 - Revelation 3:11 - Revelation 4:10
Poetry: I Was Lost
I Was Lost ~
I looked in all the earth for a love like Yours, never could I find it...
When I was chasing lies and telling dreams You saw how low my soul did go.
Like an unlearned rebellious child, I looked for truth in the middle of lies.
I watched days upon days turn my life into years and then...
I was lost and by no one but You could I be found
I said this about the passing of my life "where did it go without the presence of my savior?"
Wasted, withered and gone away forever?
Then You picked my broken and tattered pieces up and with Your love which only knows how to mend them
Into beautiful...
Pieces--broken for Your glory
I didn't even know how lost I was until...
You gently and lovingly scooped it up, it was barely beating
And with Your all- consuming fire
You melted my heart, filled it up with You
Then You shaped it for something eternal...
I was lost and finally by You, Lord...
I have been found
~ Sarah Bridgewater